About Us
We would like to share with you something of how this dream of Thresholds of Transformation came to birth…
Until recently, Hilary Musgrave and Monica Brown had been working together for nearly 30 years at Emmaus Productions in Australia, North America and Ireland/UK.
Donna Fyffe has been President of Community Works Inc for almost 28 years in the United States, working with religious congregations and communities around the world.
Out of the blue, the three of us were invited to work collaboratively with an international congregation in their pre-Chapter journey, Assemblies and Chapter, all of which occurred during the COVID pandemic! In their brief to us, they emphasized their desire that we integrate creative processes, facilitation and ritual in a contemplative spirit woven into the backdrop of the Universe Story!
In this process, we, three very different women, were challenged to realign our customary methods and expectations in order to honour our client’s brief. Through all our interactions, each of us developed our capacities and realized, both personally and professionally, that we were experiencing a significant threshold moment amidst a world in crisis.
The crossing of this threshold was a transforming time that led to a communion of trust. In this trust, we sensed a sacred call to unite our dreams, our experience, and our expertise to contribute in some meaningful way to the new world order prophetically articulated by Pope Francis in Laudato Si.
Our sacred call is manifesting itself in Thresholds of Transformation.
Thresholds of Transformation has been made possible through collaboration with Emmaus Productions International, who publish and administer all aspects of Thresholds of Transformation. Emmaus Productions is a not-for-profit independent organisation that has been ministering internationally in the Church and wider community, through the integration of the arts and spirituality, for over 40 years.